Comments on: 5 Common Small Business Problems Solved with WordPress Plugins DIY Website Guides and Tips Fri, 04 Oct 2019 01:06:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: DNN Mon, 04 Sep 2017 21:44:38 +0000 It’s truly amazing the things you can do with WordPress. When I started with affiliate marketing back in the day when I was just learning what and eBaY was and how to make money online, I used to use and experimented with creating content. Lo & behold I earned my 1st $72 + with the Walmart affiliate program selling a pooltable from my blogspot blog. I was siked ever since, but this battle has been an uphill one.

As years went by, I learned more about WordPress and how I could use plugins plus content marketing to get free traffic from Google and YaHoO!. This was before Bing by Microsoft emerged. Now that I’m much better today on my SEO and content marketing game and earning more affiliate sales, I’m glad I installed WordPress as a blog and automated the content scheduling plugin so I the site can post fresh unique content while unattended from the computer. WordPress rules! 🙂

By: Visualmodo WordPress Themes Mon, 04 Sep 2017 08:18:49 +0000 Great article! I toke the opportunity to test this out to make sure that all my themes are fully compatible with this plugins. All plugins are very easy to use and helps a loot as well!
